Hollybank School
Local Authority maintained specialist school (0-19yrs)
This school supports pupils with profound complex physical, sensory, communication, learning and medical needs.
The school provides a personalised programme of learning designed to meet the individual interests and learning needs of your child. The school also has high teacher to pupil ratios.
The school offers both day and residential places in purpose-built residential accommodation for children and adults. The facilities include a state-of-the-art therapy centre with hydrotherapy pool and rebound room, SMART flat, assistive technology suite and a number of sensory rooms. Beyond the main site in Mirfield, there is also have 3 community homes for adults in West and South Yorkshire.
Kingsland Primary School- Stanley
Local Authority maintained specialist school (2-11yrs)
This site supports pupils with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties, many pupils in the site also have additional needs including autism, sensory impairment, medical or physical difficulties.
The school has ceiling track hoisting, specialist ICT resources and height adjustable equipment. sensory rooms, soft play rooms, therapy rooms, hydrotherapy pool and disabled changing facilities.
Kingsland Primary School - Castleford
Local Authority maintained specialist school (2-11yrs)
This site supports pupils with severe and complex learning difficulties, many of whom have autism. Some pupils on the site have additional needs including medical or physical difficulties or sensory impairment.
The site has a sensory Integration Room, outdoor Sensory Integration Provision, Sensory Room, Trampoline, Communication/Language Development Room and a Ball Pool. There is also a Therapy Group Room and fully equipped hygiene areas.
Oakfield Park
Local Authority maintained specialist school (11-19yrs)
The school supports students with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties. Many pupils have additional complex needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorders, sensory impairment, challenging behaviour and physical difficulties.
There are three bespoke classrooms with attached hygiene suites, a soft play room and a light and sound room. The school also has a small heated swimming pool, ICT Suite, Specialist Food Technology Room, independent living flat and good outdoor spaces.
Ravenshall School
Local Authority maintained specialist school (5-19yrs)
This is a large day special school which caters for pupils with complex learning needs. The majority of pupils have significant learning difficulties combined with other special educational needs such as behavioural difficulties or autistic spectrum disorders.
A number of students have more complex learning needs including sensory and physical impairments and specific learning difficulties.
It is a modern school and boasts up to date facilities and technology. All pupils have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Southgate School
Local Authority maintained specialist school (4-16yrs)
Pupils in the Forest Pathway require a greater focus on their communication and interaction. In most cases, this will be their primary need and will be a significant part of their provision. These pupils have a high level of complex needs. Some of these pupils will require specialist staff skills to support their sensory and physical needs.
Pupils in the Orchard Pathway have been identified as benefitting from a more formal learning approach. Our Formal Curriculum is a more structured learning programme where the goals and objectives link closely to the national curriculum, but at the appropriate developmental stage.
Pupils in the Woodland Pathway often have extremely high levels of anxiety and may have experienced some form of trauma in their lives. Therefore, their primary need will be their social, emotional and mental health, along with complex learning and communication needs. These leaners require small group sizes, higher staffing ratios, and a flexible approach to learning activities, led by the pupil’s interests and passions.
Fairfield School
Local Authority maintained specialist school (3-19yrs)
Fairfield caters for pupils with learning difficulties and additional needs. All pupils have an Educational, Health and Care Plan. Pupils come from mainly within Kirklees Authority, however they occasionally have pupils from other authorities.
Fairfield is a large vibrant special school which provides for 128 pupils with a diverse range of severe and complex learning difficulties; which include profound and multiple learning needs. Many also have additional SENs including neurological impairments, difficulties on the autistic spectrum, sensory and physical disabilities; in addition to profound and multiple learning and medical needs that have an impact on their development. Most pupils are non-verbal and have complex communication needs.
Castle Hill School
Academy specialist school (3-19yrs)
This school caters for the needs of learners with severe or profound learning difficulties. Many of the students also have complex needs linked to physical or health difficulties. Some of the students are identified as being on the autistic spectrum. Many of our students have sensory impairments and some are multi-sensory impaired.
The Academy aim to meet the individual needs of all students through a variety of curricular and enrichment opportunities including creative and science projects, specialist music and music interaction. Additionally, we have some rooms designed to meet the needs of learners with ASD. When working in these rooms the learners are supported one-to-one and a teacher designs specific individualised curriculum programmes to meet their needs.
Co-op Academy Delius
Academy specialist school (2-11yrs)
The school is a purpose built school for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties and disabilities and/or complex needs and Autism.
The site at Barkerend Road has just opened its new ‘Sparkle Suite’ which is a space for children with complex medical needs. It’s calming and clutter free, where the school can offer a different kind of curriculum. It’s also the perfect retreat when children are feeling unwell or anxious.
High Park School
Academy specialist school (3-19yrs)
The school supports pupils with severe and complex needs arising from communication and interaction difficulties, autism and severe learning difficulties.
The curriculum is developmentally and age appropriate and is taught through practical experiences in a meaningful and purposeful way. Through careful assessment and tracking of progress the school ensures all opportunities for learning are maximised. They use the SCERTS Framework to underpin learning and intervention programmes to meet pupils’ complex and individual needs including skills in social communication and emotional regulation.
Joseph Norton Academy
Academy specialist school (keystage 2-4)
This school catering for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties.
It has 63 places and accepts new admissions from children who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which identifies social, emotional and mental health difficulties as their primary need.
William Henry Smith School
Non maintained residential specialist school (8-19yrs)
The school is a non-maintained special school for pupils who have social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties. They may also have additional needs that relate to specific learning difficulties, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The school provides education to boys aged eight to 16 years old and accommodation for boys eight to 19 years old. The older students attend colleges in the regional area. Accommodation is provided in five residential houses in the school’s grounds. The school is set in several acres of land and has a range of facilities. These include an adventure playground, an all-weather sports enclosure, an indoor sports hall and gymnasium and a farm.
Independent school (4-16yrs)
The school has an Autism Resource (known as Shed Court) for up to 10 pupils with 13 members of staff.
Each young person has their own work area with IT facilities. One-to-one specialist support is offered for individual or small group teaching within the Resource, and for supported inclusion into Coram House (Junior School) or the Senior School as appropriate for each pupil’s individual academic, sporting, practical or social needs.
Pupils are also able to join in school social times at break and lunch at their own pace, with a one-to-one member of staff available
The school is an independent Boarding and Day School.
Broadbeck Integrated Therapeutic Provision
Independent specialist school (7-18yrs)
This is a co-educational, specialist 52 week fully integrated, therapeutic, education and care facility situated in Bradford.
The provision has been established to meet the needs of 14 young people who exhibit a diverse range of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, alongside other associated conditions.
The provision delivers a ‘24 hour curriculum’ which is structured around developing pupils through building confidence, self-esteem and trust within a supportive learning environment. This gives pupils access to a range of academic, vocational, therapeutic and leisure activities, enabling them to become more confident and successful learners.
Broadwood school
Independent specialist school (7-18yrs)
The school supports children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. The school offers both vocational subjects and the national curriculum core subjects and endeavours for all students to reach their potential in classes offering a 5:2 ratio.
The school offers classrooms, library, recreational room, ICT suite, dining room where students are provided with a 2 course meal each day. They deliver design & technology (resistant materials), food technology, art and ICT.
Denby Grange school
Independent specialist school (11-18yrs)
The mixed sex school offers high quality education for pupils with a wide variety of special needs including SEBD, Autism, ODD and ADHD. The school aims to help increase pupils self-esteem and self-worth in order to encourage them to achieve their potential in education, recognising that pupils’ feelings drive their behaviour, so in order to help young people improve their behaviour they initially spend a great deal of time helping them address their individual feelings.
The school offers specialist rooms to teach: Art, Design and Tech in the VTC, Independent Living Skills/Food Technology, Counselling room and the Connexions room.
Hall Cliffe Primary School
Section 41 -Independent specialist school (5-13yrs)
Pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 follow the national curriculum. Children are taught core subjects (Maths, English and Science) according to their ability so that they are able to make rapid and sustained progress.
Their aim is for students to achieve high quality outcomes, socially, emotionally and academically, through a wide range of personalised opportunities.
They offer positive, safe and nurturing environments where pupils are valued as individuals and can develop their confidence, self-esteem, independence, self-discipline and respect.
Hall Cliffe School
Independent specialist school (8-16yrs)
Pupils in Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 follow the national curriculum.
Key Stage 2 students form an integrated class where the National Strategies programmes are followed.
At Key Stage 3 students are introduced to a range of vocational and academic subjects to ensure they have wide subject knowledge before choosing their options for Key Stage 4.
At Key Stage 4 a range of qualifications/accreditations are offered and taught by specialist subject teachers.
The students also follow a life skills programme, which involves lessons taught in the classroom and experiential learning outside the classroom.
The school caters for pupils with a range of needs, including the following: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), SEMH, ADD, ADHD, ODD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attachment Difficulties, Tourette’s Syndrome, Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDAS) and OCD.
Meadowcroft School - The Gallery
Section 41 Independent specialist school (4-19yrs)
The school supports pupils with complex social, emotional and mental health needs and many have additional severe learning and communication difficulties, many of which have previously struggled to engage in formal education.
Primary school children take part in lessons in The Gallery, which also has separate provision for children up to the age of 19 who have very complex needs.
The property is a beautiful Georgian House in the centre of Wakefield, with light, airy, spacious classrooms. With no more than six children in any class, they endeavour to maintain a calm, controlled atmosphere, where children have the space to work independently and in groups. The Gallery also has a peaceful sensory room and play area, where children can come whenever they need time away from the classroom. It also has a fully equipped flat, where older students are taught valuable life skills.
Meadowcroft School - The Hub
Section 41 Independent specialist school (11-19yrs)
Children aged 11 and above with SEMH as a primary need attend classes at The Hub.
The Hub has small class sizes to help children stay calm and focused. There is also have some great additional facilities including a music room kitted out with a range of instruments and recording equipment, and a large gym where children enjoy all sorts of activities including our popular rebound therapy trampoline sessions. The older children have a large common room that they helped to decorate themselves with the help of a local artist. The main kitchen, which serves delicious meals, including bacon sandwiches in the morning, is located at The Hub.
Meadowcroft School - The Works
Section 41 Indpendent specialist school (11-19yrs)
The Works is new addition; a purpose built site that offers fully accredited vocational courses in Motor Mechanics, Business, Construction, Hair and Beauty, Catering and Health and Social Care. The site is just a few minutes from both The Hub and The Gallery, so students can make the most of the sessions they have at the Works.
Pupils will study at least two vocational courses alongside the core subjects and PSHE. Pupils will also have access to the therapeutic provision including SALT, Art Therapy, Psychotherapy, Lego Therapy, Rebound Therapy and Thrive along with tailored Interventions provision.
Millcourt School
Independent specialist school (9-19yrs)
Millcourt School is a co-educational, independent, specialist day school, providing high quality education for boys and girls. Based in Shelf, the school will meet the needs of a diverse group of pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, alongside a range of other associated conditions.
The school has on-site Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists, and counselling is offered by an integrated clinical services team directly employed by the school.
River Bank Primary
Section 41 Independent specialist school (5-11yrs)
Riverbank Primary School is a specialist school helping young children with social, emotional, behavioural and mental health challenges to re-engage with learning and make academic and social progress.
The school provides high quality care and education for children aged between 5 and 11 in a safe and stimulating environment. They ensure that every child experiences success: individualised learning programmes are designed to enable this, and highly skilled and dedicated staff create unique and engaging learning opportunities for all children.
The Grange School
Independent specialist school (7-14yrs)
The Grange School is a small specialist provision which provides education for pupils with behavioural, Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs who need a smaller, more specialised intervention than can be provided in a mainstream school.
The school consist of 16 pupils and 4 teachers.
Their aim is to re-engage pupils in learning and provide a quality education for even the most challenging pupils