Leeds SENDIASS news and events

Find out more about what is going on within the Leeds SENDIASS service.

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Service announcements

May 2024 : Virtual advice drop-in sessions

For this next half term we are also offering some virtual advice drop-in sessions, alongside the face to face drop-in at Leeds Central Library. Our trained officers will be available online to answer your SEND enquiries. You will have the option to join in discussions and/or ask your questions in the virtual forum. 1:1 breakout room appointments (approx 20mins) for a 1:1 advice conversation with an officer are also available. 


  • Wednesday 12th June, 1:30pm- 2:30pm

Please email sendiasssocialmedia@leeds.gov.uk with your name, contact email, contact telephone number and brief description of your SEND enquiry. If you don't have access to emails you can also call us on 0113 3785020 to book your place.

Information sessions

We run virtual information sessions on our most commonly requested IAS topics, where our trained officers will deliver an online presentation and be available to answer questions related to the topic at the end of the session.

Session dates are released in half termly blocks.

SEND support in mainstream schools

This session covers what SEND support can be accessed in school, preparing for SEND meetings, the Graduated Response, reasonable adjustments, and receiving support from other agencies.        

Next dates:

  • 3rd July 10am-11.15am

Please email sendiasssocialmedia@leeds.gov.uk with your name, contact email and contact telephone number. If you don't have access to emails you can also call us on 0113 3785020 to book your place.      

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Process

This session covers what is an EHCP, how to make a request, the process of an EHCP and possible outcomes.  

This session is being jointly delivered with the Leeds SCOPE service and we will be answering questions about EHCPs within the session that we have received in advance.  

Next dates:

  • 5th June 10-11:30am

Please email sendiasssocialmedia@leeds.gov.uk with your name, contact email and contact telephone number and any related EHCP questions that you may have.  

If you don't have access to emails you can also call us on 0113 3785020 to book your place.      

Advice drop-in sessions

Our trained officers will be available to answer your SEND enquiries, along with other SEND services at the SEND information drop ins held at:

Leeds Central Library: Sanderson Room, 10:30am-12:30pm on:

  • 26th June
  • 17th July

Support workshops

We run support workshops, where our trained officers will be available to guide you through different SEND processes to help you to feel confident and able taking the next relevant step for your child.

Session dates are released in half termly blocks.

Support with EHCP applications and Tribunal forms

This workshop is an opportunity to speak to our trained officers about your EHCP application or tribunal appeal forms if you are still having difficulties after using our video guides and/or other supporting resources. Please bring your draft form with you and one of our officers will be able to look over it for you and answer your questions.        

The session will take place online as a virtual appointment.        

Next dates:

  • Wednesday 19th June at 10-10:45am and 11- 11:45am

Please email sendiasssocialmedia@leeds.gov.uk with your name, contact email, contact telephone number and whether it is an EHCP or Tribunal form that you would like support with.    

If possible please attach a copy of any draft form or document to this email.    

If you don't have access to emails you can also call us on 0113 3785020 to book your place.      

Preparing for SEND Meetings

This workshop will provide practical advice and support around preparing for and attending SEND meetings. If you have a friend or family member that can support you at future SEND meetings, you can bring them along with you to this workshop. Please remember to book an additional ticket for this person.        

The session will take place at Technorth Family Learning Centre, Harrogate Road, LS7 3NB         

Next dates:

  • Wednesday 12th June, 10am-12pm

Please email sendiasssocialmedia@leeds.gov.uk with your name, contact email and contact telephone number. If you don't have access to emails you can also call us on 0113 3785020 to book your place.      

More SEND news and events

Find out more about other SEND news and events, happening both locally and nationally.

Information in this section is not endorsed by Leeds Sendiass. We are not responsible for the content of sites or services offered by third parties.

  • March 2023 - SEND Transformational Reform
  • The Government have announced their plan for better, fairer access to high quality special educational needs and disabilities support. You can read more about this here.