Attending a meeting can be a good way to talk about an issue, your views and to make a plan.
Before a meeting it might be helpful to think about:
- Have you had copies of all the information that will be looked at in the meeting?
- Preparing some notes or a list of things that you want to say or ask.
- Do you need anything for the meeting, such as visual aids or an accessible venue? Let the meeting lead know as soon in advance as you can.
- Do you know who will be there, would you like them to wear name labels or have pictures of them up on a board in the room?
- Will you take some notes in the meeting, or ask someone to take them for you? How would you like these notes to be taken?
- Have there been meetings before this one? Do you have notes about what was agreed and should have been done?
- Is there anything you need to take with you to feel comfortable?
- That you can ask for a break if you need one. Do you feel comfortable asking or do you want a signal to let the meeting lead know?
You might find this
leaflet on preparing for an annual review helpful. It was made by Amy, who is a member of the Flare advisory group.