You will be asked to record your thoughts and views on the EHC2 form (the form that you completed when applying for assessment). This is how you can tell the local authority about anything that you would like to be added to or changed about the current plan.
When completing the EHC2 you could think about:
- Is there any new or updated information about your child?
- Does section B have all of your child’s needs written clearly in it?
- Does section F have all of the support and provision needed to meet these needs?
- Is the support still needed, or does it need to change?
- Is the support clearly described and detailed enough? E.g. there should be no vague wording such as ‘access to’ and ‘could benefit from’.
- Does section F contain everything in it that ‘educates’ or trains your child? E.g. specific therapies or travel training.
- Will your child be moving classes, schools or setting? Does there need to be any specific planning for this? (transition planning)
- Is your child in year 9 or above? Is there planning to ‘prepare them for adulthood? (to prepare them for independence, life skills and participation in society)
- Are you wanting a change of placement?
- re you wanting a change of placement?
- re you wanting a re-assessment of need? If so why, what do you think may have changed?
- Is there anyone that you would like to invite to the review to discuss or provide this? Let school or SENSAP know
Your child's Views
If they are able, it is important for your child to share their views about their plan.
They can do this by completing the EHC3 form or by going to all, or part of the review meeting.
There are many ways that they could provide their views, such as in writing, by drawing or even by recording a clip or video. They could comment on:
- How they think things have been over the last year
- If they think they have the right support
- Do they think anything needs to change?
- What would they like to achieve in the next year and in the future?
Preparing for setting new outcomes
In the meeting the outcomes will be discussed, changed, extended or replaced with new one. To prepare for this discussion you can think about:
- Has each outcome been met?
- If not, why do you think this was?
- Do any outcomes need changing or to be given more time?
- What progress or improvements has there been?
- Are any of the outcomes no longer needed?
- Has anything changed?
- What does your child want to work towards or achieve?
- Do there need to be any new health or social care related outcomes?
Outcomes should explain the goal itself, not the support needed to reach it and be SMART:
- S - specific, a clear and detailed description about what is wanted to be achieved
- M - measurable, it is clear how you will know the outcome has been reached
- A- achievable, the outcome should not be too hard or impossible to achieve
- R - relevant, they should help your child with their needs and help them move towards what they want to do when they are older.
- T - timebound, there should be a clear date that the outcome is to be reached by.
Prepare your evidence
Make some notes about your concerns and the things you want to cover in the meeting and prepare to talk about and show why you think this. E.g. why any support doesn’t seem to be working, is your child not making progress, are their any issues with their classmates/peers? Is your child unhappy?
Include as much evidence, dates and details of issues as you can. Take this to the meeting with you.
Prepare your questions
The meeting might have a lot of people or become quite intense, so it might be helpful to have a list of things you want to ask others in case you forget or need someone to advocate for you.
Read all the paperwork
You will receive copies of all the reports and advice from everyone else included in the review process, so that you can prepare for the discussion about the plan.
Read this paperwork carefully and make notes of any questions you have or points you want to make.
Have there been any private assessments or a new diagnosis? If so, say why you felt a private assessment was needed E.g. because more detail was needed or a different assessment was available. Have any new needs come out of this?
You should have at least two weeks to read over all the information. Ask school for copies if you haven’t had them. You could also ask for the meeting to be rescheduled if you don’t get the information in plenty of time.