School support

The law says that schools must use their 'best endevours' to support pupils with additional needs, this includes pupils that are experiencing difficulties relating to their social, emotional, mental health and well-being.              

Support in this area can be planned for and provided as part of the Graduated Approach.              

If you are concerned about your child's SEMH needs and well-being you could request a meeting with the school SENCO to discuss your concerns and the potential support options. We can help you to prepare for a SEND support meeting.              

Some examples of support could be:              

  • A key worker in school
  • Additional nuture support
  • Counselling
  • Supported group work
  • Access to a nurture environment
  • Adjustments to the daily timetable
  • Additional resources
  • Additional adult support and supervision

Cluster support

Most school in Leeds are part of a local area cluster support group.              

Clusters bring together universal, targeted and specialist services for children and families in each local area including schools, health services, Area Inclusion Partnerships, Early Start teams in children’s centres, police, social work, the third sector, and other relevant services such as housing.              

Schools can refer directly into their local clusters. Mindmate are also able to make referals as part of their triage service.              

Area Inclusion Partnerships (AIP)

AIPs are partnerships of schools in five areas of the city. They hold budgets to support inclusion and SEMH needs linked to challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviours across the schools in that area.              

All schools, including academies, can access support from their local AIP. They are able to make referrals directly.              

MindMate SPA

MindMate Single Point of Access (SPA) is there to identify support for children and young people in Leeds with their emotional wellbeing or mental health.              

It is for all children and young people who have a Leeds GP, of school age and under the age of 18.              

They will assess each referal and decide which service is best suited to offer support to meet the identified needs (known as triage).              

In Leeds Mindmate SPA is the referral route onto CAMHS for diagnosis and assessment.              

Referals can be made by schools, professionals or self-referral by a young person/ their parent or carer.              

Go to MindMate website              

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

CAMHS is a service for children and young people under 18 who require mental health support, and their families. It is part of the NHS.              

They can support with things like:              

  • Eating disorders (as set out in the CEDS National Guidance)
  • Psychotic illness (in consultation with Aspire)
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Moderate/severe emotional problems
  • Assessment for ASC (Autistic Spectrum Conditions)
  • Risk of suicide or repeated self-harming

In Leeds a referral is made to CAMHS via Mindmate Spa.              

Go to CYPMHS website              

Early Help Hubs

The Early Help Hubs are multi-disciplinary teams in the East, West and South of Leeds. Made up of a range of professionals from education, health and care teams to support children, young people and their families as soon as problems emerge, or re-emerge.              

The Early Help Hubs provide advice and support to clusters and partners working in the three Leeds localities to ensure seamless, co-ordinated and effective early help support and a ‘getting it right first time’ response.              

Schools and cluster professionals can contact Early Help Hubs regarding referrals and support.              

Go to Early Help website              

Counselling/ Listening Services

In Leeds there are a number of ways for a young person to access counselling support.              

Here is a list of some potential options: